Info And FAQ is a side project that got out of hand


What Is It?

The Rollerboard (German Wellenbrett) is essentially a mechanical switchboard whose job is to route mechanical signals from the keys to the valves (also called pallets/ventile). It is an essential component of any large Baroque-inspired pipe organ.

Designing a rollerboard is a bit like solving a Sudoku puzzle or laying out an array of transistors on a computer chip.

Who's behind this?

Jakob Barger is both an organ-builder who specializes in tracker-action instruments and software engineer who loves all types of optimization.

He is most proud of his contributions to the action of Richards, Fowkes, & Co., Op. 26, in All-Saints Chapel, Trinity Wall St. NYC.

I found a bug. How can I contact you?

You may submit questions, requests, and bug reports through the following form.
